Good Naked (Brooklyn) is pleased to present:

BRIEF ENCOUNTERS / A group exhibition of works by

Hannah Antalek

Andy Cahill

Alex Diamond

Trevor King

Tony Mascatello

Luke Morrison

Jessica Palermo

Jeff Wigman


The Java Project / 252 Java Street #100 / Brooklyn NY 11222

Good Naked (Brooklyn) is pleased to present BRIEF ENCOUNTERS, a group exhibition opening Sunday, April 2nd from 1-3pm.

The paintings and sculptures in this exhibition are filmic in nature. They picture figures in space - catching sun, sinking into darkness, finding a quiet corner, posturing, leaning, drowning, floating. The images in these artworks set up windows into private worlds - providing a glimpse into moments of new connections and sincere points of discovery. The light and palette in Antalek, Palermo, and Morrison’s paintings suggest the suspenseful quality of a film noir, while Cahill, King, and Mascatello’s works take us to the psychedelic and surreal. Wigman and Diamond use distinct material modes to effect a sense of movement and interior play. King’s description of his Bathers series sets the tone of the group - “The result…is a mesmeric collection of images where figures are seen standing on thresholds, floating through space, and leaping into the void, in varied states of clarity.”


BRIEF ENCOUNTERS will be on view April 2 - April 30, 2023

The exhibition is by appointment.

For more information and images, please contact